by ALFI | Mar 7, 2018 | Divorce
Divorce also has devastating consequences on adolescents as they go through the most difficult period of their lives from the psychological standpoint. Penn State sociologist Paul Amato estimated how adolescents would fare if the U.S. society had the same percentage...
by ALFI | Mar 7, 2018 | Divorce
Pro-divorce legislators and pundits are hoping against hope that under the Duterte Administration they have a greater chance of advancing their cause, which abundant empirical evidence has demonstrated to have devastating consequences on society. Those who would want...
by ALFI | Mar 7, 2018 | Divorce
We’ve seen them on TV and videos. We have seen the anguish, anger, and unbearable fear of young people who survived. One survivor who was being interviewed, just faltered: “I can’t do it, I’m sorry, I can’t,” and he choked and walked away. Entering the feelings of the...
by ALFI | Feb 21, 2018 | Divorce
I write in defense of the Filipino family. Our honorable legislators are once again pushing to approve divorce bills, which will damage the stability and unity of the Filipino family. Instead of protecting marriage as an inviolable social institution (Article XV,...
by ALFI | Feb 15, 2018 | Issues, Total Fertility Control
BANGKOK (REUTERS) – Thailand has tried cash bonuses and tax incentives to boost the country’s birth rate, but on Valentine’s Day today (Feb 14), it adopted a new approach – handing out vitamin pills. Like several other Asian countries, Thailand...