by alfi design admin | Oct 23, 2019 | Issues, Total Fertility Control
(ARTICLE FROM now most readers are aware that U.S. birth rates have fallen to all-time lows. Early data for 2019 suggest that this slide is likely to continue. Those interested in demography more generally may also be aware that birth...
by alfi design admin | Oct 23, 2019 | Issues, Total Fertility Control
“I had my ultrasound yesterday. If only people would open their eyes and see the wonder, beauty and love of life through the heartbeat of a baby in the womb… no one will dare to think of hurting God’s...
by alfi design admin | Oct 9, 2019 | Issues, Total Fertility Control
(ARTICLE FROM South Korean city may lose its megacity status next year. A city with fewer people can be challenging but that is a future to be confronted bravely, says Steven Borowiec. READ FULL...
by alfi design admin | Sep 23, 2019 | Issues, Sex Education, Total Fertility Control
#FactsMatter #JustTheFacts #rhLaw...
by alfi design admin | Aug 7, 2019 | Issues, Total Fertility Control
China's unbalanced sex ratioChina's population is missing 60m women—partly as a result of the country's one-child policy. The gender imbalance is bending the country's society and economy out of shapeGepostet von The Economist am Montag, 5. August...