ALFI is a multi-sectoral organization committed to preserve and restore Filipino family values in the face of all threats in the form of proposed/current legislation, government programs and public projects. It aims to do this by awakening Filipinos to the negative and ruinous consequences of harmful legislation, programs and projects concerning human life, marriage, family, and education, through sustained and vigilant effort.


ALFI is a recognized highly-effective prime mover in shaping a nation of citizens and an executive, a legislature and a judiciary committed to uphold, protect and promote the dignity of Life, the sacredness of Marriage, and the solidarity of Family, in accordance with the natural law.


To influence prime movers, thought leaders, decision-makers, influencers, and the general public, by providing them accurate and complete scientific and legal information, anchored on the Philippine Constitution and the Natural Law, through communication and education, in order that they rally behind the common goal of protecting and defending life and family.

ALFI Board of Trustees and Officers

Rosie B. Luistro – Chairperson

Maria Concepcion S. Noche – President

Eileen Z. Araneta – Senior Vice President

Jesus Joel Mari D. Arzaga – Vice President

Paraluman B. Abustan – Vice President

Ma. Celeste C. Tanjuatco – Vice President

Elenita S.A. Sandejas – Corporate Treasurer

Luz P. Desquitado – Corporate Secretary

Erika Marie U. Jarder – Coordinator (ALFI Youth)


Jose S. Sandejas

Timothy A. Laws

Leticia P. Hidalgo

Gracia Teresita B. Hidalgo

Guillermo A. Francia